Rivers and Wetland in the Wairarapa.
After a rest from painting over the summer Christmas break I lost my impetous to pick up paint brushes. I did what I have done in the past, I dusted off my camera. The morning was foggy, a natural match for rivers. I have been living in the Wairarapa ( now 2022) since 2016 and had no interest in the local rivers, they looked scruffy and muddy, brown flowing water under steady rain or a trickle over dry summer months. They appeared devoid of native vegetation, with willows and scrub lining the banks. On this misty morning my photography enthusiasm returned and I was seeing beauty under a heavy shroud of mist. I have been regularly visiting the rivers and wetlands over 2022. The more I photograph the more I see.
The rivers and wetlands I have visited and made photographs of are the Waipoua River, Rensham Reserve, Ruamahanga River, Henley lake, Lake Wairarapa, Waingawa River, Waiohine River and Boggy Pond Moreana Wetlands.